Amy and I taught together this summer - a class called "Pre-First Grade Concepts". The class was meant for students who needed a little extra assistance in preparation for first grade.
All together we had 22 students in the class. Most of the time a very nice class.
Some students had some concerns that needed addressing - including a youngster named Sylvia (names have been changed to protect the pants wetters).
Sylvia came to school approximately every other day. She was one of the students I taught at Swanson this year and she was receiving special ed services.
I asked her why her sandals were off at recess one day, she said, "They're wet."
It hadn't rained in at least a week.
She then said that she had gone potty in them. We found them at the bottom of a slide. I asked her to pick them up and then asked Amy to take her inside to help her out.
"I went potty all the way down the slide," she told Amy on their way in the building.
Note to self...don't ever use slides at playgrounds again. Ever.
At recess two days later she came up to me and pouted, "I did it again!"
You poor thing, I thought. Amy walked her inside again and took care of everything. Good thing Sylvia brought a change of clothes every day. I had wondered what they were for.
Then there was little Benvenuto. Benvenuto had a pretty severe speech impediment. A hard worker most of the time, but very immature...easily the most immature child I'd worked with yet.
He loved to push boundaries. And children.
Benvenuto spent a lot of time missing recess.

Then there was little Sparkles. Sparkles was an interesting girl. When reading with her in reading groups, she wouldn't really look at the words. When she did, she could read them pretty well, but most of the time she'd stare into space.
It didn't matter what the print on the page was. It could have said, "I like toys," but if the picture was of a doll with long beautiful hair she would say something like, "This doll has long beautiful hair."
Her 1-to-1 match was poor (touching each word as you read it) so she would frequently add or subtract words from sentences.
She was a tough girl to get through to.
Plus she was the hottie in class that every 6 year old was in love with.
Honestly, she's going to be trouble. If she can learn to put her shoes on the right feet.
Little Phillip also was a handful. He had a tough time reading well and would constantly call himself stupid and say that he couldn't do any work. By the end of the 4 weeks, he was reading well and trying harder.
It's tough to get through to kids sometimes, but with the right guidance (you're sure I'm the right guy for this?) most of them will be ok.
1 comment:
I'm still going to use the slides. Slides rock.
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